St Peter’s Community of Catholic Women is a non-profit organization offering fellowship and service. Members operate the Religious Shop and volunteer their time and talents to carry out fund raising and social events during the year. Monies raised support parish ministries and local charities.
A Board is elected biannually and meets monthly to review calendar, budgets, plans and progress. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
General meetings are held the first Friday of the month from October through May starting at 9:00 am in the Spirit Center. Members attend the 8:00 am Mass followed by a group rosary prior to the meeting. Visitors are welcome. Only members can vote on motions put forth at the meeting.
The Board is responsible to plan the CCW Annual Calendar of Events and to ensure that there are sufficient funds available to carry out plans. The Board meets monthly to also review requests for assistance or funding from the priests and other ministries in the parish. Events will vary from year to year and members will be kept informed of news and details through the parish bulletin.