It is with an all-inclusive mind set that we invite you to join the Men of St. Peter’s, an army of like-minded men who look to enhance the word of God through charity, unity, prayer, discipleship and Catholic Education.
In keeping with our Parish Mission Statement,” We reach out to all men through prayer, spiritual formation and, compassion and service”. We are the men of St. Peter’s the Apostle, a communion of cultures united by the love of Christ.
A small committee, including Father Franckel as our spiritual leader, was and still is working to bring together The Men of St. Peter as a church sponsored organization.
We are reaching out to all of the men of St. Peter’s to join hands and accompany us on our journey.
We strive to be the men Jesus talks about, step up and bear witness to his love, and help us lead a future generation of men and their families into the way, the truth, the life! We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Spirit Center.