For three evenings we shall take a close and detailed look at the gestures and words we use with our Sacred Liturgy to more deeply appreciate the tradition and theology that our gestures express.
The gestures we use are like a "sign language" that often says more than words can express. Understanding these gestures and the words we often use may enrich our prayerful participation in the Covenant we celebrate.
When: October 19, October 26, & November 2 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Spirit Center , Room 1
Fr. Tom Boyer was ordained in 1968 and served several parishes within the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Over the years, he fulfilled many pastoral assignments including pastor. He retired in 2013 but is currently assisting at St. Peter the Apostle and St. William's in Naples, and continues guest speaking and lecturing across the country.
Registration: Please contact Colleen Grady to sign up at or call 239-774-3337, ext. 302.