Unbaptized children who are 7 years or older are required to attend one year of religious education before being baptized.
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
To be eligible for the sacraments of reconciliation and first holy communion students must be at least 7 years old and in the 2nd grade with two years of religious education. They will also be required to attend additional classes per sacrament before its reception.
Students are eligible to receive the sacrament of confirmation no sooner than the end of 10th grade after their 2 year preparation.
Children in sacramental preparation programs must attend weekly Mass and they are to: * Obtain a copy of the bulletin. * Clearly print their first and last name on top. * Turn it in each week to their Sunday or Wednesday teacher.
To complete a program year no more than four classes may be missed unless in a documented case of a dire emergency. If a child arrives ten minutes or more late to a class it will be considered an absence. No absence is excused unless an official documentation of the absence is received. When a child is sick, a doctor’s excuse needs to be provided.